Voluntary Contributions

Throughout the year the school requests voluntary contributions to help support many of the planned activities.

It would not be possible for the school to meet the costs of transport and admission without using funds required for the basic educational needs such as classroom materials and books.

The school asks for voluntary contributions during the year from pupils undertaking any of the following :

Offsite swimming :                 £5 per session

Riding for the Disabled :       £5 per session

School minibus transport :   £2 per trip

Class snack :                             £1 per week

Cooking money  :                   £1 per week

Please note these contributions are entirely voluntary and your child would not be denied a place on the visit or activity because a voluntary payment was not made. However, the school may not proceed with the activity unless there are enough contributions.

In addition, class teachers will also request additional contributions for other outings or planned residential stays. These requests are made in writing with all the relevant details including the parental permission slip.